Day: April 1, 2020

Kahoot Update… 
Kahoot Update…

These past 2 days, we have tried to host live Kahoots via YouTube live and although we could play, it slowed the whole game down and ultimately made it a lot less fun than in our classrooms.

Luckily, Kahoot! have now developed Kahoot! Home Assignments in response to the current situation around the world.

So we have set up 4 Kahoot! quizzes that you can do on your own device/computer in your own time. You will still be competing against other St. Mary’s pupils and see their scores as well as your own.

We are only allowed to assign each quiz to 100 people so please only do each quiz once per pupil and stick to quizzes recommended to your class level.

We will update quizzes regularly but updated game pins will not be posted on our homepage but via the ‘Kahoot Quizzes‘ page under the Student tab.

To play:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the game pin associated with the quiz you wish to do.
  3. Click play.
  4. Both the questions and answers will appear on your device. Answer as quickly as possible.



Try to pick the correct spelling of often misspelled words. This is quite tricky and probably best suited to 4th – 6th class. But 3rd class pupils could have a try, if they wish, too.

Game Pin: 0307557


Bain triall as an tráth na gcéist seo faoi bhia. Pioc an focal ceart leis an bpictiúr ceart. Rang a Trí go dtí Rang a Sé.

Pin cluiche: 0152889

Addition to 20

One for our younger pupils, where the pupil is given a number sentence and must provide the answer. All answers are below 20. Recommended for Senior Infants to 2nd Class.

Game Pin: 0422439

Times Tables

The ever-popular times tables quiz. Different questions to the one played in the live version but very similar. 3rd – 6th Class.

Game Pin: 0234178

All games will run until Monday 6th April at 12pm or until 100 pupils have taken part in each quiz. This should also serve as a reminder for each pupil to only take part in a quiz once.

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