To mark World Down Syndrome Day, our school celebrated with an Odd Socks/ Lots of Socks Day on Tuesday 21st March. The main concept was simple: everyone wears bright, colourful, funky, socks – these can also be mismatched/odd! It was a visual celebration of individuality and what makes us all unique. Also, chromosomes under a microscope look a bit like socks. A person with Down Syndrome has 3 copies of the 21st chromosome, or an extra funky sock!
It was a really fun day with plenty of classes taking part in informative activities. All money raised from the day went to The DEN, our special needs class.
Thanks to all who contributed and for everyones continued support. Special thanks to Room 2 who provided us with our pictures below.

On March 18th, our 6th class celebrated their Confirmation. It was a great occasion and all present were extremely impressed with the beautiful ceremony. Our students were central to the ceremony with beautiful readings, prayers, dressing of the altar and the Confirmation Rite itself. The ceremony was accompanied by the school’s magnificent choir, our superb trad group and of course, led by the wonderful, Ms Jordan.
A great day was had by all.