On Wednesday 21st June, it was time for our 6th Class of 2023 to say goodbye to St. Mary’s as they graduated from 6th Class and primary school. The DEN, 4th and 5th classes gathered in the hall to mark the occasion. Ms Jordan reminisced about events throughout this groups’ years in St. Mary’s from near escapes in Junior Infants to our 6th Class school tour only a week before. She echoed how everyone in St. Mary’s is proud of their achievements and progress during their time here.
The Class of 2023 were then called out individually and presented with certificates and framed graduation mementos. Afterwards, they sang their graduation songs of ‘Believer’ and ‘Whatever it Takes’, before throwing their mortar hats to the ceilings in celebration.
They gathered their belongings and made their way through a whole school guard of honour, exiting the gates as St. Mary’s pupils for the last time.
We wish every single member of the 6th Class of 2023 the very best in their futures and invite them back at any time to let us know how they are doing.

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