Perfect Pupils’ Home Activities Gallery
We’ve had such an amazing response to the weekly class blogs. So many pupils/parents/guardians have sent in photos of the fantastic work and activities being done at home. Check out a selection of photos below from each class. Remember, we must have parental permission in the emails to post pictures. Well done, everybody.
Junior Infants
Some wonderful school work going on in this girl’s homemade classroom. I think we might have a future teacher on our hands! 😊 One of Room 1’s budding artists who made a beautiful heart for all of her class to tell them how much she misses them! Wow. Such gorgeous work – I love this so much! She has also been working so hard at home with all her school work. Well done you! Fabulous stone painting by a super girl in Room 1 out in the sunshine! What a great idea 🙂 She also did such super work from our blog. What a super girl! Look at this beautiful collage! Baking, painting, reading, doing his books – This boy in Room 1 has been so busy! Keep up all the excellent work. I am so impressed 🙂 There was super exciting news in this girl’s house this week! She had a very special visit from the tooth fairy! I’m very happy to hear that the tooth fairy is still able to do her job😁 This amazing boy in Room 1 has been blending his letters, adding his numbers and even managed to build a tepee in his garden! All his updates were so impressive – Well done you! Look at this creative chef we have in Room 2! Wow, those muffins look delicious! Chocolate flavour… favourite! 🍫 This budding farmer has been very busy looking after all the animals on his farm. What lucky animals to have such a brilliant minder 😊 What a brilliant girl in Room 2 bringing her little sister on a beautiful nature walk! Great to see you out enjoying the sunshine. I love those fabulous flowers too 💐 This great boy in Room 1 is such a whizz! He has practised his sight words and his numbers. How gorgeous are all his letters! I am so proud of all your hard work! This blossoming gardener has been super helpful outside over the past few weeks. Planting, watering and digging – wow you’ve been so busy! I can’t wait to see how they grow 🌻 This brilliant girl has worked so hard all week. Look at how careful her tracing is! Keep up the wonderful work. She is working so hard at home 🙂 This blossoming builder has been building such cool things from lego this week! He also did the most beautiful letters in his writing this week. What a busy week you have had! Well done you 🙂 This super-de-dooper boy has done tremendous work this week! He even had time to plant strawberries with his daddy! Yummy! I am sure they will be delicious! Keep up the great work 🙂 What an inspiring artist we have here in Room 2! He made this fabulous picture to say a big hello to all his classmates. I absolutely love all the different colours you used! I know you all will be so happy to see his great big smile too 😁👋 Imagine we have an author in our classroom! This clever cookie wrote a wonderful story about swimming and it will be published in an actual book! How special is that 🙂 She also managed to squeeze in some painting, baking and went camping this week. Wow what wonderful week you have had 🙂 Wow, what a beautiful smile to brighten up this Tuesday afternoon😁 I would be smiling too if I did that amazing colouring! This budding artist has been having a great time playing with her sisters, cycling her bike and helping out at home. Keep up all the fabulous work 😊 We have a little joker in Room 1! This joke had me giggling all day 🙂 What’s a treat for cats in the summer? A mice cream! This clever girl also wrote a ghost story this week which I cannot wait to read. She did baking, went for walks, played outside and even got some new pets 🙂 What a fun time she is having. Keep up the super work! This lovely girl has got a beautiful new haircut from her mammy this week! She is keeping very busy at home and is practising her reading lots. This makes me so happy. Keep up the super work! 🙂 Big news alert!! This brilliant boy has been super busy learning to cycle his bicycle without any stabilisers! Wow, go you 👏😊 That’s not all he has been doing either – between playing with his younger brother, practising his sight words, helping his new baby brother get settled in and going for lots of lovely walks he has been having lots of fun! These two gorgeous ladies have had a very hectic schedule in lockdown! They have done painting, arts and crafts, dressed up and the easter bunny left them lots of eggs! The same ladies even managed to decorate these two gorgeous hats! Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Mc Hugh love them and can’t wait to try them on! Well done girls you are doing such super activites. We are so proud of you both 🙂 I think we definitely have a budding makeup artist here in Room 2! I absolutely love your beautiful eyeshadow 😊 This girl has also been super busy learning how to skip, making a wonderful mask with jewels and has been having so much fun playing with her sister every day! 😁 This little engineer from Room 2 was hard at work creating her amazing rocket this week. She even worked out a way to launch it using her Daddy’s leaf blower – Wow! She has also been super busy enjoying lots of walks, gardening outside, baking and has created some yummy homemade ice cream! It sounds like the perfect treat after all that work! 😎 This wonderful boy has been cooking this week! He has done the most beautiful work for me. His letters and colouring are so brilliant. He has been helping his mammy to mind his brother. What a lucky baby to have a brother like this boy! I am so proud of you 🙂 This wonderful boy in Room 1 has been staying very active all week! Another budding author in Room 1, this boy wrote the most exciting story which will be published in a real book! Its a real cliff-hanger! He has also been playing outside, writing with chalk and doing lots of art! He has also been going for walks in the forest and even met his teacher there! This made me sooo happy 🙂 This great boy in Room 1 has been working his socks off all week! Has being having lots of fun at home and has done such great work. I am so proud of all he has done this week – Keep up the great work! A great girl in Room 1 enjoying the sunshine! She has spent lots of time outside playing in her sandpit 🙂 This picture made me so happy – she is having lots of fun! This great girl in Room 1 has been so busy doing the most beautiful handwriting. Her letters are just perfect! She has also been playing dress-up and looks like one of the prettiest princesses I have ever seen! She has made gorgeous pieces from wool with her mammy and is having lots of fun at home:) Look at that fabulous writing! This super girl in Room 1 made a card for her grandad. How thoughtful of her 🙂 She has been a busy little bee at home helping her mammy lots, doing her work and even planting flowers! Keep up the great work! This super boy in Room 1 did fabulous Marbling art with his sister this week! Isnt it so cool! They have been watching the RTE school hub and getting so many brilliant ideas from it. Keep up the amazing work! 🙂 Another great girl in Room 1 making the most of this glorious sunshine and heading for lots of walks with her family. She looks very happy to be outside 🙂 This fantastic boy in Room One has had such a jam-packed week! He sent me on some super pages of the most fabulous work and he made this gorgeous blossom tree from our blog! Wow. Well done. We have a little explorer on our hands in Room 1! This brilliant girl has been doing so many wonderful activities with her family. She has been minding her hens, trying to catch butterflies, practising her yoga and playing lots with her lovely little sister. She even had time to make this super cool castle! Wow! How amazing is that?! This magnificent mathematician from Room 2 has been such a busy little bee buzzing his way through all of his Maths book! Look at those beautiful numbers he has formed. 👏 Keep up all the super work! I am so impressed! 😊 Our budding jockey in Room 2 has been able to given plenty of care and attention to her pony over the last few weeks. What a beautiful pony, I bet she is so happy to have you around! She has been having great fun outside every day playing with her brothers and sisters. She is missing seeing her friends every day but has been working really hard on her books that she has at home. Well done on all the amazing work, it makes me so happy! 😊 Room 2 must have a magician in their midst because this girl magically knew that bluebells are my absolute favourite flowers to see!! In between playing with her sisters, this superstar has been practising her cutting and sticking, cooking with her family and enjoying beautiful walks outside. She is super lucky that the forest is within her 5km from home! 😊 This lucky girl had the brilliant idea of having her breakfast outside in her pyjamas! What a cool idea! I think I’ll have to give that a go this week😎 She has also been soaking up all the sunshine with lots of lovely barbecues and beautiful walks outside. She has even managed to fit in time to practice her sight words and reading on her mammy’s computer! Keep up all the amazing work! 😁 Watch out Captain America, I think Marvel might have a new recruit here in this super boy!🦸♂️ He has been having great fun going on adventures outside his house, playing Marvel Avengers with his brother and doing lots of amazing work in his books. He has even fitted in time to learn how to ride his bike without any stabilizers!! Amazing news, I am so proud of you!! 😁⭐ Look at what green fingers we have in Room 2! This girl has been super busy doing some beautiful gardening during this fabulous weather. She has been having so much fun at home, playing with her brothers, building amazing towers and helping Mammy and Daddy. She has also been working so hard on her handwriting and sight words. Well done, I can’t wait to see your beautiful flowers when they bloom! 😊
Senior Infants
This clever girl from Room 3 has been very busy this week learning and working at home. Look at her amazing work!! Well done!! A great girl from Room 4 has been very busy learning at home. Look at this fantastic work! Well done! This talented artist from Room 4 has been enjoying making drawings! Check them out! He has also been very busy doing lots of work. He had lots of fun making a homemade marble racing game! It looks like so much fun! Fantastic work! This great girl from Room 4 has been keeping busy with a good mix of school work and other activities such as gardening and walking the dogs. She is especially enjoying painting at home! Great work! This budding author and illustrator from Room 3 has been practicing sentence writing and drawing. She did an amazing job. Well done!! This girl from Room 3 had a virtual scouts camp with Beaver Scouts last weekend. It looks like great fun. This busy boy from Room 4 has been working very hard every morning and then taking a well deserved break after lunch to go have fun with his brother outside! Great stuff! This multi-talented boy from Room 3 has been busy gardening and learning how to cook. He is also working hard with his Maths and reading. He enjoyed learning about butterflies and recording the weather. Well done!! This girl from Room 4 has been keeping very busy at home with her brothers. A boy from Room 4 has been doing lots of learning at home with writing tasks, art activities and enjoying exploring the outdoors. Fantastic! We are learning about using number lines and this boy in Room 4, along with his siblings, took a very interesting approach – homemade Snakes & Ladders outside with chalk. A brilliant way to learn while having fun in the sun! Well done! This clever girl has been very busy learning at home. She made lots of Easter art and has been practicing Maths and reading. Well done!! An artist in Room 4 has been very busy cutting out, painting and decorating this exciting African style mask from a cereal box with some with the drawing from her older sister. Great teamwork! An artist in Room 4 painted this beautiful nature scene. Lovely work! This artist and gardener in Room 3 printed these tulips using forks. What a clever idea!! She used the tulips growing in her garden as inspiration. This budding engineer in Room 3 designed and built this brilliant bug hotel. It looks like a great place for bugs to live. This budding engineer and astronaut from Room 3 built this Lego model of the International Space Station. He is also learning lots about space and the ISS. This artist in Room 3 designed and made this poster to celebrate Earth Day, which was Wednesday 22nd April. A creative girl in Room 4 invented this fun matching numbers game! She cut out the numbers, mixed them all up and built Lego blocks to match them together. A brilliant idea!
1st Class
This bubbly pupil from Room 6 has been working hard at her maths and doing lovely, neat handwriting. She also created this beautiful portrait! This young artist from Room 5 drew these beautiful pictures of her new house which she’s super excited about! Lovely work! This adventurous pupil from Room 5 has been having lots of fun at home. He took part in Darkness Into Light with his family and watched the sun come up, he built a fort in the garden, he made some colourful patterns on the ground using chalk and he’s been making some lovely artwork. He also celebrated his 8th birthday recently – happy belated birthday from Mrs Brennan and Ms Lawlor! Ms Lawlor was so happy when she got this postcard and read these kind words from one of her lovely pupils in Room 6. It had her smiling from ear to ear! This creative pupil from Room 5 made these beautiful masquerade masks for a tea party. She got to dress up and enjoy some lovely cakes and treats. She is having a busy month as she and her family are walking 100km during the month of May to raise money for charity. So far they have walked 36km and raised €220 – super work! She has been practising telling the time, completing her schoolwork, playing games with her sister and reading. She is currently reading Gangsta Granny by David Walliams which is very funny! This adventurous pupil from Room 6 has been making the most of the lovely weather with this DIY waterslide in the garden! He’s also been spending lots of time outdoors playing football, going for walks and cycling his bike. He’s been watching RTE’s Home School Hub and doing his schoolwork too. He used the Home School Hub to create this Donegal tweed. He wrote some lovely messages on it and gave it to his daddy for his birthday. He and his brother also made birthday cakes to celebrate their mammy and daddy’s recent birthdays! This pupil is a sports fanatic and enjoyed reading this book all about GAA All-Star Colm Cooper. In his spare time, he has enjoyed video calling his friends. This diligent pupil from Room 6 has been hard at work producing this beautiful handwriting and keeping up with his maths. He’s also been exploring his creative side with some lovely drawings. He made this fantastic surprise folding artwork using Art for Kids Hub on YouTube. He and his sister have also enjoyed riding their bikes during the lovely weather. Excellent work! Ms Lawlor was delighted to receive this lovely postcard from one of her thoughtful pupils in Room 6! The drawing put a big smile on her face. Thank you! This bubbly pupil from Room 6 has been super busy with lots of fun activities. She and her sisters have been baking lots of lovely treats, as well as taking part in scavenger hunts in the forest. She’s also been giving her mammy a hand around the house and decorating her home with her lovely artwork! Super work – keep it up! This dedicated pupil from Room 6 and his family were up at 5AM this morning! They took part in the Darkness Into Light walk for Pieta House. This week, he spent some time catching up with friends and family over video call – they even had a virtual quiz! He also made the most of the lovely weather we had this week by enjoying some delicious BBQ treats in the sunshine. Well done! This young writer from Room 6 used her trip to the forest this week as inspiration for her independent writing! Lovely work! These adventurous pupils from Room 6 have been making the most of the lovely weather playing outside. They also got a haircut from mammy and daddy this week! Looking good guys! It’s been a busy week for this student from Room 6. He and his sister made some tasty homemade ice cream. They also had a lot of fun creating their very own volcanic eruptions through science! They spent some family time together playing board games and exploring in the forest. Finally, this student read a selection of lovely books on a range of topics such as good behaviour, emotions and self-esteem. Super work! This hard-working pupil from Room 5 has been keeping busy with her schoolwork. In her spare time, she’s been out on her bike getting some fresh air and exercise or reading all of her favourite books. Great job! This young artist from Room 5 constrcuted and painted this 3-D model of Ireland with RTE’s Home School Hub this week. Beautiful work! This enthusiastic young author from Room 5 has been busy practising her writing skills this week. Not only did she write Mrs Brennan this thoughtful letter, she also engaged in some creative writing, resulting in this fantastic story entitled “The Lost Girl”. Excellent work! This mini chef from Room 6 and her sister have been baking some delicious goodies this week! Great job! Check out this beautifully neat handwriting from a hard-working pupil in Room 6! Super work! This bookworm from Room 6 has been busy reading books by her new favourite author, Dav Pilky, such as Dog Man and Cat Kid. She’s also been busy completing activities in her workbooks, exploring nature and creating beautiful arts and crafts like this cool mask! Keep up the great work! This bubbly pupil from Room 6 has been making the most of the good weather! She’s been busy playing with her beautiful puppy, Cova, and in her spare time, she’s been creating some fabulous artwork! Great job! This diligent pupil from Room 5 has a busy day between PE with Joe, RTE Home School Hub activities, doing his workbooks and reading some of his favourite books, such as Dear Dinosaur. He also manages to find the time for some fun activities such as baking, a virtual camping trip with the Beavers, his recorder class which takes place over Zoom at the moment and doing this lovely project on his family tree using the census! Maith thú! This animal-lover from Room 5 has been busy looking after his furry friend. Well done! The hard-working pupil from Room 6 has been very busy indeed! Shortly after school closed, he celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with his family at home. He and his siblings created some beautiful St. Patrick’s Day artwork. He’s also been keeping up with his schoolwork and he’s been reading books from the library. He and his brother and sister have been making the most of the good weather by going for walks and exploring outdoors. Super work – keep it up! This enthusiastic pupil from Room 6 has been busy balancing schoolwork with other fun activities! He and his brother have been playing games, looking after their pet guinea pigs, enjoying the lovely weather and spending some family time together. Excellent work! This busy bee from Room 6 has been working very hard during this time! She’s been practising her baking skills by making some delicious goodies. She also used her science skills when observing some minibeasts she came across while digging in the garden! As well as this, she’s been helping her dad build a jungle gym. Keep up the great work! While this outdoorsman from Room 5 has been working hard at his Master Your Maths, he’s also found the time to help out around the house, look after his animals and try some new pastimes, like fishing! He and his sister spent one sunny afternoon outside painting a wall at their house. During another beautiful day, he went on his very first fishing trip…and caught a fish! He’s also been very busy looking after his pet sheep and best friend, Lampkin! Lampkin has just had two lambs of her own! Maith an fear! When he’s not outside playing Uno with his family, practising his football skills or jumping on the trampoline, this budding scientist from Room 6 is using his science kit to carry out all sorts of experiments! He’s also been keeping up with his schoolwork and reading interesting books about Ancient Egypt! Super work! We love to hear that our pupils have been helping out around the house, just like this pupil from Room 6! As well as keeping busy with his reading, handwriting and maths, this hard-worker helped to plant some tomatoes, peas and beetroot with his dad. Great job! This farming enthusiast from Room 5 delivered her first lamb all by herself this week! She’s also been out exploring nature and playing with her new puppy, Shadow. Even though the farming keeps her super busy, she’s still been putting in a big effort to keep up with her schoolwork! Well done! This talented pupil from Room 6 has been busy learning lots of new skills during this time. He made his very own playdough and practised his procedural writing skills by writing out the recipe to share here with his friends! He has also continued to make impressive creations with origami, including this claw, mask and aeroplane. In addition to this, he made this chocolate cake that we think looks just DELICIOUS! Super work! This hard-worker from Room 6 has been flying through his Master Your Maths and Ready, Steady, Write books at home, but he still found time to create this very impressive drawing of a deer! Brilliant work! This hard-worker from Room 6 has been flying through his Master Your Maths and Ready, Steady, Write books at home, but he still found time to create this very impressive drawing of a deer! Brilliant work! This busy bee from Room 6 has been doing lots of activities over the past few weeks. She’s been out exploring nature, getting some fresh air and exercise, completing puzzles, gardening and doing some lovely artwork. Well done – keep it up! This animal-lover from Room 6 has been carefully dividing her time between her schoolwork and caring for her pet rabbit, Blacky! He’s lucky to have such a dedicated owner. Great work! This mini mathematician from Room 5 gathered data about her family members’ favourite food, drink and colour. She created bar charts to present her findings. Ar fheabhas! A selection of beautiful artwork (with some very kind words for Mrs Brennan) from this budding artist in Room 5. Thank you! Excellent work! This diligent student from Room 5 has had a busy week. As part of the Maths topic of time, she made her very own clock. She also created this fantastic self-portrait! Super work! This hard-working pupil from Room 6 has been enjoying trying out some activities from RTÉ’s Home School Hub. She used shaving foam and food colouring to create these decorative postcards. It was messy work but super fun! Maith thú! Not only has this talented pupil from Room 6 been busy with her spellings, but she’s also used this time to learn a new skill…knitting! She has already knit these beautiful, colourful headbands. Keep up the great work! A gardening enthusiast from Room 5 and her family decided to plant some sunflowers at the beginning of lockdown. They will look after these sunflowers to help them grow big and strong and, when it is safe to do so, will give them to their family members to plant. They hope these sunflowers will produce lots of new seeds to plant again next year. She then explored the lifecycle of a sunflower and created her own sunflower artwork by cutting and decorating toilet roll holders. Excellent work! This artist from Room 5 and her daddy planted tulip bulbs last year and they are now in bloom. Inspired by these, she created this fabulous tulip painting using forks. Great work! A budding engineer from Room 6 has been busy exploring the forest during the great weather we’ve been having. He also constructed his very own origami crossbow! Well done! A nature-lover from Room 5 explored the effects of climate change for Earth Day 2020. One thing she looked at was how the production of plastic contributed to climate change around the world as well as other harmful effects it has in terms of litter and obstruction to animals. With this in mind, she decided to recycle a milk carton, turning it into a bird feeder. She designed, cut and decorated it, then filled it with bread before hanging it in the garden. Super work! Beautiful handwriting by a hard-working boy in Room 5. Great work!
2nd Class
Someone has green fingers! What a lovely plant. Amazing craft skills. Well done! Amazing artwork. Look at the vibrant colours and patterns! Beautiful handwriting. Tall and small letters-well done! Look at the chefs! Rice krispie buns, WOW, YUM,YUM. Wonderful maths work. Keep up the great work. Descriptive piece of writing on a mission to space. Well done! WOW, an amazing solar system, all hand made! The Ice Monster book review. Beautiful writing and drawings. Recycling at it’s best, complete with car. Great job! Somebody really enjoyed The Lion The Witch and The wardrobe. Great review with a 9/10. Beautiful scenery. One lucky pupil enjoying the countryside and roaming hills. Magical. Homemade crossword. Somebody loves horses. An excellent way to keep your brain busy. Homemade crossword. Somebody loves horses. An excellent way to keep your brain busy. Another 9/10. Read the review, you might enjoy it too. Maith Thú Planting! What a way to spend your time. Planting and growing in the garden. Cannot wait to taste the end produce. Wooden house. Looks so strong. I bet the wolf wouldn’t be able to blow it down! A beautiful strong Emperor Penguin. Super colouring.
3rd Class
T has made a superb lighthouse using an old traffic cone. She now uses it as a garden decoration but look how much detail she has used to make it look so realistic. Beautiful work! J also celebrated his birthday recently but has also been very busy with his work and some fantastic drawings! J also celebrated his birthday recently but has also been very busy with his work and some fantastic drawings! G celebrated his 10th birthday recently. We wish him a happy birthday while also admiring his wonderful Ancient Egyptian project. Super work! G celebrated his 10th birthday recently. We wish him a happy birthday while also admiring his wonderful Ancient Egyptian project. Super work! H completed a wonderful project on Ancient Egypt. M has been very busy at home. She has been getting lots of exercise on her new trampoline and has made this beautiful Viking 3D art, complete with longship. Amazing job, M. T has been very busy making an African style mask at home. It is beautifully painted and decorated. Well done, T. Ó helped his parents paint their shed. A robin then moved into one of the bird houses and has made it his home. His dog, Tim, has been protecting the Robin since. Well done, Ó. This is exciting and amazing! N has been planting sunflower seeds and looking after them so she can give sunflowers to people she has missed after the pandemic. A great idea. She’s also made lovely flower art using old toilet rolls. E has been working hard, reading Harry Potter books, gardening and she also learned how to knit. She also did a wonderful Egyptian project. E has been working hard, reading Harry Potter books, gardening and she also learned how to knit. She also did a wonderful Egyptian project. C has been working hard and having lots of fun. He made this dream catcher for his room too. C has been working hard and having lots of fun. He made this dream catcher for his room too. H is keeping herself very busy doing schoolwork, playing with her sisters and doing a fundraiser for Lurgan Ladies. H compiled this wonderful project on Hook Head Lighthouse. E was busy learning all about density and doing some fun Science experiments this week, well done! This week we were asked to write a story which included a lighthouse. Have a read through H’s fantastic story which will leave you in suspense!