Huge excitement reigned over St. Mary’s on the 8th of June as a petting farm visited and all junior classes came to see, and even hold, some of the wonderful animals on show. The pupils from Junior Infants to Second Class saw animals like dogs, goats, rabbits, ponies, sheep and the more exotic creatures like snakes, lizards and spiders. It was an incredibly fun experience where children learned so much about the animals too.
We had a very exciting start to Active Week in Junior Infants with a visit to the playground for our Sponsored Walk. We had lots of fun playing together in the playground and getting to enjoy the sun 😀.
by Room One
Mrs Gibbons’ Class, Ms Smith’s Class and Ms Galligan’s Class walked to the Fire Station on Tuesday.
When we got there we had to wait at the wall. We met Firefighters John and Phillip.
First, we went to the locker room and we learned about what starts fires.
Next we went to the fire truck. We saw the things that firefighters need when there’s a fire and we got to go into the fire truck. We got a blast of the siren as we left.
It was so much fun.
Junior Infants have been very busy creating our classroom garden. We first started by planting seeds for our windowsills and each group, The Bees, The Butterflies, The Owls and The Frogs planted sunflowers. We also wanted to create an outside garden. Here we planted bedding plants and bulbs. Everyone took turns in the planting process. We now have the big responsibility of looking after and tending to our garden. Each day a student is picked as ‘Head Gardener’ and has the job of watering the flowers. We are looking forward to watching our garden blossom and grow into something beautiful.
Seachtain na Gaeilge is a national celebration of Irish language and culture. St Mary’s NS celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023 from Friday 10th to Thursday 16th March. A committee of dedicated and enthusiastic staff organised an exciting lineup of events.
Bhí imeachtaí taitneamhacha ar siúl gach lá – ‘Seanfhocal an Lae’, comórtas ealaíne, Tráth na gCeist, cluichí sa chlós, rince gaelach, cluichí biongo, ceolchoirm thriadisiúnta, toraíocht Gaeilge sna cónraí, Lá Glas agus an paráid.
Throughout the week, children were trying their best to use their cúpla focal. Tugadh amach neart duaiseanna i rith na seachtaine ar ndóigh. Bhí atmaisféar croíúil, spraíuíl le brath thart timpeall na scoile. Is cosúil gur bhain gach duine taitneamh as!
Ceiliúradh iontach a bhí ann. Maith sibh gach duine a ghlac páirt.
We would like to wish our whole school community a lovely Easter. Have a look below at what has been happening within our school this term.
World Book Day
As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading, the school marked WORLD BOOK day on Thursday 2nd March by having a whole school “book swap”.
“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.” – Frank Serafini
To mark World Down Syndrome Day, our school celebrated with an Odd Socks/ Lots of Socks Day on Tuesday 21st March. The main concept was simple: everyone wears bright, colourful, funky, socks – these can also be mismatched/odd! It was a visual celebration of individuality and what makes us all unique. Also, chromosomes under a microscope look a bit like socks. A person with Down Syndrome has 3 copies of the 21st chromosome, or an extra funky sock!
It was a really fun day with plenty of classes taking part in informative activities. All money raised from the day went to The DEN, our special needs class.
Thanks to all who contributed and for everyones continued support. Special thanks to Room 2 who provided us with our pictures below.
On March 18th, our 6th class celebrated their Confirmation. It was a great occasion and all present were extremely impressed with the beautiful ceremony. Our students were central to the ceremony with beautiful readings, prayers, dressing of the altar and the Confirmation Rite itself. The ceremony was accompanied by the school’s magnificent choir, our superb trad group and of course, led by the wonderful, Ms Jordan.
A great day was had by all.
As we celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge this week, our whole school have been working hard with their gaeilge and showing it off to the rest of the school in the form of video performances. We are celebrating our Irish culture through language, song, dance and music.
Today, every class will be shown the Ceolchoirm of all these performances through Gaeilge in what is a thoroughly entertaining collection of videos. We hope you all enjoy these too.