Category: Text

A Message from Ms Jordan
A Message from Ms Jordan
Positivity Poster
Positivity Poster

We’ve been so impressed with our pupils’ positivity and resilience during this challenging time. To celebrate this, we’re asking all our pupils to create a ‘Poster of Positivity’. We’d really love to get as many entries as possible as the final product would make a lovely end-of-year keepsake that we could put together and display here on the website and our class blog pages.

Your poster could contain a positive message, slogan or quote and a picture to go with it – something that makes you smile. It could contain drawings of things, activities or people that have brought you happiness during this time. We’ve included some sample slogans you could use below but feel free to make up your own of course! Be as creative as you’d like.

Please send us a photo or scan of the poster to your class teachers at the usual addresses by Friday 19th June.

Junior Infants –

Senior Infants –

1st Class –

2nd Class –

3rd Class –

4th Class –

5th Class –

6th Class –

The DEN –

Every class will be putting their posters together to make one big collage of positivity that truly represents how strong and adaptable our fantastic pupils are! We look forward to seeing your entries.

Sample slogans and quotes for your poster:

  • Keep smiling!
  • Keep calm and carry on.
  • Difficult roads often lead to beautiful places.
  • “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” – John Wooden
  • “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

Amber Flag Award
Amber Flag Award

St. Mary’s N.S. has recently been awarded the Pieta House Amber Flag for promoting Positive
Mental Health in our school for the school year 2019-2020. We set and achieved goals
throughout the year.

We established a Healthy Minds Committee with pupils from 1st to 6th class. We had monthly
meetings with the Healthy Minds Committee where the pupils discussed ideas for promoting
mental health and wellbeing in our school. They worked very hard during the year.

We ran a Jersey Day for World Mental Health Day in October 2019, where we raised money for
Pieta House. We ran a Health and Wellbeing Week in January 2020. We had lots of activities
incorporating mental health, wellness and mindfulness. We also ran a Health and Wellbeing
Poster Competition as part of Wellbeing Week. We also have a Health and Wellbeing
noticeboard in the corridor, which we added to each term and displayed the winning posters.

Thank you to Mrs Brennan, Ms Lawlor, Mrs McHugh, Mrs O’Reilly, Ms McLean, Mrs Clerkin, Ms
O’ Reilly, Ms Olwill and Ms Gilcreest who were the staff Amber Flag Committee members.

Kahoot Tables Quiz Tomorrow
Kahoot Tables Quiz Tomorrow

We’re going to try and host a live Kahoot quiz tomorrow (Tuesday 31st March) via YouTube live for our pupils. The quiz will be based on times tables and follows the format many children will be familiar with. This is a trial and fingers crossed it works really well and we’ll have more quizzes in the coming days.

The best way to play would be with 2 devices – one as the question screen with the live video playing, and another as your Kahoot screen. However, if playing on a laptop it would be possible to have 2 windows open at the same time and visible, therefore only needing one laptop. You would also only need one question screen for multiple players with separate devices for the Kahoot answer screen.

The live stream will begin at 12pm but the quiz itself will start at 12.15pm promptly.

To take part, you will need to do the following:

  1. Go to on any device or computer (or download the app on certain devices).
  2. Enter the game pin code which will appear in the video below from 12pm until 12.15pm.
  3. Choose a nickname.
  4. Wait until 12.15pm when the game will begin.
  5. Times tables questions will appear on the video with 4 possible answers. Pick the correct answer on your device in the quickest time possible.
  6. After each question there will be an updated leaderboard.
  7. Enjoy!

Apologies for delays. Technical difficulties. Please note there is a 30 second or so delay between entering answers/usernames and them appearing. But everyone will have same delay so all fair!!

We will now begin quiz at 12.45pm. Page will go live at 12.30 with pin.

Click here:

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