We recognise that for many of our families, children may be facing additional challenges through this period of school closure. Our SEN team have therefore devised the following Padlet to support our families and learners, specifically in SEN – but could be applied to all learners in our school. To visit the Padlet, please click here.
The Padlet include ideas, information, advice and practical support on the following areas:
· Literacy Resources
· Numeracy Resources
· Speech and Language
· Fine and Gross Motor Skills
· Sensory
· Wellbeing
· Social Skills
· Regulation Resources
· PEC’s, Visual Schedule and Visual Aids
· Fun Activities
· Supports for Parents
3rd class learned all about Ancient Egypt this month. We researched lots of interesting facts about Ancient Egypt and made some wonderful projects which were presented so well in class.
To finish off the topic we made Egyptian pyramids in groups from spaghetti and marshmallows. We had great fun making them and we are very proud of our finished pyramids.

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Our Annual Admission Notice in respect of admissions to the 2024-25 school year is below:
If your pre-enrolment form in the PDF below is not loading, please click here.
Admission-notice-2025.26The boys and girls from First Classes Room 7 and Room 8A visited Viriginia Town Library to attend a wonderful talk from author Shane Hegarty. They listened to the author read his wonderful book ‘Dexter Lost His Boo-Woo’ and then together created their own monster character! The boys and girls got a chance to ask the author lots of interesting questions about writing, coming up with ideas and how to write a book. We have many aspired authors after this fantastic day out!
Well done to the boys and girls who represented St. Mary’s N.S in the annual Cavan Primary Schools Athletics across Country Championships.
All the boys and girls had trained hard for the event. A big well done to all the boys and girls for their great effort.
A great day for St. Mary’s N.S. with the Junior Boys, Intermediate Boys and Senior Boys teams coming home with 2nd place medals.
Amazing individual performances from Tadgh Finn (Junior Boys/600m) in 12th place, Oisín Mc Manus (Intermediate Boys/800m) in 6th place, and Dylan O’Reilly (Senior Boys/1000m) in 1st place.
It was a fantastic day out for all, with everyone trying their best having fun and making memories. Well done everyone!

During our second week back at school, Mr. McCabe’s 2nd Class in Room 10 enjoyed a PE lesson with a difference – Archery!
We used indoor Archery Sets and took turns aiming for the Bullseye – which is the centre of the target! If we were happy with our shot, we took a step back to make it harder.
It was a great fun start to the new school year!
Please see the below document regarding notification of the Board of Management’s annual review of our Anti-Bullying policy and our Child Safeguarding statement:
Our school policies can be found here.
Notification-regarding-the-Board-of-Managements-annual-review-of-anti-bullying-child-protection-policiesSeptember was a busy month for Junior Infants in Room 2. Here are the highlights for us:
● Making lots of different creations with our fine motor activities.
● Playing with our new friends.
● Some maths activities, including sorting objects by colour.
● Having our first ever compliment slip party, where the students got to wear their pyjamas to school.
We are so looking forward to what the rest of the year will bring!

We’ve had a very busy end of the school year 2023/24. Have a read of our newsletter to find out everything that has been going on around St. Mary’s.
Newsletter-June-2024-1_compressedSeachtain na Gaeilge is a national celebration of Irish language and culture. St Mary’s NS celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 from Monday 11th to Friday 15th March. A committee of dedicated and enthusiastic staff organised an exciting lineup of events this year.
Bhí imeachtaí taitneamhacha ar siúl gach lá – ‘Seanfhocal an Lae’, comórtas ealaíne, Tráth na gCeist, cluichí sa chlós, Blitz As Gaeilge ar an Páirc 3G Kingspan Bhréifne, rince gaelach, cluichí biongo, ceolchoirm thriadisiúnta, toraíocht Gaeilge sna cónraí, Lá Glas agus an paráid.
Throughout the week, children were trying their best to use their cúpla focal. Tugadh amach neart duaiseanna i rith na seachtaine ar ndóigh. Bhí atmaisféar croíúil, spraíuíl le brath thart timpeall na scoile. Is cosúil gur bhain gach duine taitneamh as!
Ceiliúradh iontach a bhí ann. Maith sibh gach duine a ghlac páirt.

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Once again, St. Mary’s students wowed as Gaeilge by performing songs and poems for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024. Every child in the school took part in what, as you can see below, was a fantastic celebration of all things Irish sa Ghaeilge.